Taking Stock

What are some things that you appreciate in your life right now? Perhaps ways you feel blessed?

What are some concerns you might have?

Our Experience

This conversation helped us to pause and think about our current experience. As a result, things occurred to us that we would have overlooked. For instance, before

retiring at the end of 2023 Libby was concerned about how she might experience not being plugged into so many lives as a dental hygienist. Would she feel lost, not

sure what to do with herself?

“Your retirement is going great,” I said to her.

“Yes,” she agreed.

We’ve been able to travel, see more of the grandkids and she has enjoyed waling with friends, including some patients with whom she became close.

“I also appreciate that I feel loved by my family,” she added.

“And I appreciate Louis L’Arour books.”

Last summer we spent two weeks in Costa Rica where it gets dark suddenly at 6:00 pm. We were in a small beach village, not a resort, so most evenings we sat on a

roof patio listening to audio books of the Sackett series. These are like Western Hallmark stories with wicked bad guys and honorable goo guys, and always a pretty

woman. We have continued listening to them.

Our appreciations were mostly about family and friends. So, were our concerns. Health issues always make the list, as well as concerns about various transitions

that our different family members might be going through.

Naming the concerns in a safe conversation seems to take some of the anxiety out of them. And doing it together strengthens us.

Good conversations have a positive impact upon our relationship. Mutual support and care are the outcomes. We get to be a team.

What do you appreciate about your life right now?

What are your concerns?


When Support Is Needed


Managing your stress well